Texas A&M: New Golden Age, Old White Supremacy

Texas A&M: New Golden Age, Old White Supremacy


Ellis Howard and Jyothis James from Students for a Democratic Society discuss how Texas A&M's roots in white supremacy still linger on today and what they're doing to dismantle the university's harmful foundation.
✊🤖 This week we take a look at the Texas A&M chapter of Students for a Democratic Society. With a legacy built on white supremacy, Texas A&M University is one of the most beloved colleges in the US. Known for its traditions and cult-like indoctrinations, the university insists on keeping these years-old traditions alive while actively ignoring all of their harmful beginnings. Listen along as we are joined by Ellis Howard and Jyothis James from the Texas A&M chapter of Students for a Democratic Society to learn what they’re doing to dismantle the racist foundation of the university and the multiple challenges many marginalized students still face to this day.
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Episode edited by Angel Barrera. If you need a show edited, you can find her on Twitter!
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